Thursday 22 August 2013

Choosing the right graph


I know there are many of you out there who get confused or struggle to choose which graph format to draw. I used to struggle and take long to decide which graph format is the right one to draw for particular set of results. However after practicing i learned which graph format to use when given different set of results.

For those of you who still struggle or get confused when it comes to deciding which graph format to use, here are some information that may help you.

When to draw a bar chart...
You draw a bar chart when you want to display data where one of the variables is categorical. ( e.g. types of food...).

When to draw a line graph....
You can draw a line graph when you have two continuous sets of data. (e.g. height against weight...).

when to draw a histogram....
A histogram is bar graph that shows the distribution of data. Histograms are used to
>summarize large data sets graphically.
>compare measurements to specification.
>communicate information.

( I got my information about histograms from the web link below, so if you want to know more visit the link.)

I really hope that this information helps you understand when to use these different types of graphs.
Thanks :)

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