Thursday 22 August 2013

Choosing the right graph


I know there are many of you out there who get confused or struggle to choose which graph format to draw. I used to struggle and take long to decide which graph format is the right one to draw for particular set of results. However after practicing i learned which graph format to use when given different set of results.

For those of you who still struggle or get confused when it comes to deciding which graph format to use, here are some information that may help you.

When to draw a bar chart...
You draw a bar chart when you want to display data where one of the variables is categorical. ( e.g. types of food...).

When to draw a line graph....
You can draw a line graph when you have two continuous sets of data. (e.g. height against weight...).

when to draw a histogram....
A histogram is bar graph that shows the distribution of data. Histograms are used to
>summarize large data sets graphically.
>compare measurements to specification.
>communicate information.

( I got my information about histograms from the web link below, so if you want to know more visit the link.)

I really hope that this information helps you understand when to use these different types of graphs.
Thanks :)

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Collecting Gas Overview


Water displacement method

I learnt two different ways of collecting/measuring the volume of gas produced from reactions. One way is by the water displacement. In this method water is filled in a measuring cylinder which is clamped over a trough upside down. You have to make sure that the mouth of the measuring cylinder is still in the water so that no air can escape. Then gas is collected in the measuring cylinder through the delivery tube. This allows you to measure the volume of gas produced. 

Gas syringe method
The other way to measure the volume of gas is by using gas syringe. The syringe is connected by a tube to the flask that contains the gas. As the volume of gas increases the plunger moves out of the syringe, 
Allowing you to measure the volume of gas made. 

I prefer to collect gas using the gas syringe. This is because it is easier to use and read. It is also more accurate because when collecting gas by water displacement, more air is likely to escape resulting in obtaining anomalous results. Moreover the gas syringe is also more reliable than the water displacement method as air can escape from the measuring cylinder easily if taken out of the trough, where as in the gas syringe the plunge on the end of the syringe stops the gas from escaping or any gas in the air from entering. Furthermore, I find that the water displacement method is more fiddly and longer to carry out, compared to the gas syringe.

Let me know what you guys think...
Thanks :)

Thursday 8 August 2013

How to measure using a measuring cylinder

I just completed an activity about how to read measurements from a measuring cylinder. Overall l found this activity very useful. The slides were very informative and clear and therefore made it easier for me to understand the basics about how to measure volumes using the measuring cylinder. This resulted in me to gain full marks at the end of the activity. I learned how important it is to read the volume of the substance at eye level and from the lowest position of the meniscus, in order to get accurate results. This activity also allowed me to realise a mistake I've been making when measuring measurements from a measuring cylinder. I learned that I have to put the measuring cylinder on a flat surface, and lower my body at eye level and then read the measurements, instead of holding the measuring cylinder and then reading it.
I really hope this helps those of you who struggle to measure measurements using a measuring cylinder.

( picture from google images)
Thanks J

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Should pupils study maths till 18?

Hey, this post is in response to whether students should continue studying maths till the age of 18...

I agree with Carol Vorderman’s view that pupils should carry on studying maths till they are 18, because it is crucial for children to know how important mathematical skills are, to be successful in their careers and also in their daily lives. According to Carol Vorderman more than 3000,000 16 year olds each year complete their education without enough understanding of maths to function properly in their work or private lives. This is very shocking! However the 16 year olds should have been made to understand maths and the importance of mathematical skills properly by their teachers before completing their education, resulting in fewer students leaving school with no little understanding of maths.  It is also concerning to hear that 24% of economically active adults were “functionally innumerate”, and also those universities and employers had to complain because students did not have enough maths skills. This clearly shows that pupils should continue studying maths in order for them to get into universities and workplaces they aspire to go to. 

Let me know what you think in the comments section below. Thanks :)